The cabinet finish you choose can create a dramatically different look regardless of the material the cabinets are made from. Here are some tips on which finish to choose and to ensure that the look of each finish will work best in your new kitchen.


A glossy finish for kitchen cabinets was all the rage in the 1970s, and now they are steadily growing in popularity again. This finish is more suited to a contemporary-style kitchen with flat cabinet fronts than it is for a traditional-style kitchen. High-gloss finish may also be referred to as ultra-high gloss or 100-per-cent gloss, depending on the materials you are using and the supplier you speak to.

The shiny finish reflects light, which is one of the main reasons that gloss kitchens, especially white gloss kitchens, are so popular

By reflecting light, the shiny finish of these gloss cabinet fronts helps to make the space feel bigger and more open than it actually is, making gloss-finish cabinets an excellent choice for smaller kitchen spaces.

Another great advantage of high-gloss cabinets is that they are easy to clean, which is always a winner for homeowners with a young family.

Due to the fact that cabinets with a high-gloss finish reflect so much light, fingerprints, dirt and scratches are much more noticeable on them than they are on matt or semi-gloss cabinets. If you would love some high-gloss cabinets in your kitchen, but are concerned about seeing fingerprints, consider choosing a high-gloss finish on your upper cabinets, and use either a matt or a semi-gloss finish for the lower cabinets.


Compared to a high-gloss finish, a matt finish does not reflect any light at all and looks more flat. This type of finish goes well with traditional-style or country-style kitchen cabinets that have routed fronts. A matt finish for contemporary and modern kitchens are currently trending as well.

The main advantage of matt-finish cabinet fronts is the fact that fingerprints, scratches and other imperfections are far less noticeable than on gloss-finish fronts.

A surface with a matt finish absorbs light as opposed to reflecting it. This results in a more muted look.

Matt finish cabinet fronts are not quite as easy to clean as gloss cabinets are, because the matt surface isn’t as smooth.


If you’re looking for something in between, there’s the semi-gloss finish as an option for your kitchen cabinets.

Semi-gloss cabinets combine some of the advantages from both gloss and matt finish cabinets. They have a degree of light-reflective qualities so light will be bounced around the kitchen. However, because a semi-gloss surface is not as highly reflective as a high-gloss surface, you won’t see as many reflections in your cabinet fronts.

Additionally, you’re less likely to notice fingerprints as easily on high-gloss fronts. A semi-gloss finish is also just as easy to wipe clean as a gloss finish.

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