Before you start planning a new kitchen, it’s important to know the products available to you and the pros and cons of each. This guide will help make choices based on your budget, practicalities and the style you’re looking for.


If you’re watching your budget but still want a quality finish, laminate is a good choice. You’ll have a wide selection of colours, textures, wood grains and benchtops. Consider ABS edging when specifying kitchen finishes as it’s a high-pressure laminate banding that is abrasion-resistant and seals the edges of kitchen doors.


Veneers are thin, decorative, slices of wood applied to boards and then sealed with clear 2-pack. Veneer creates the organic Mid-century aesthetic while also providing the beauty and warmth of timber in a sustainable way.

Solid timber

In contemporary kitchens, solid timber is being used less frequently in the entire cabinetry due to its relatively higher cost. A great way to still incorporate timber is to choose one or two select feature pieces. This may be in the form of a benchtop or timber shelving.


A 2-pack finish is a baked enamel surface, sometimes referred to as emporite. The appeal of 2-pack over laminate is that it can be specified in any colour or finish from matt to high gloss.


When using glass in cabinet doors, light them and use them as an opportunity to frame and show off the display items that you love.

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