Colours can impact our moods, but this is especially true for children. When designing your kid’s bedroom, you may be excited to play with colour. Before you choose which colour palette to go with, learn how certain colours could affect your child’s moods and behaviour.


Red has the ability to energise the body and excite the mind. However, some research suggests that too much exposure to red encourages aggressive behaviour and an inability to focus. If your child is prone to being restless, you may want to use red as an accent instead of a statement colour.


This warm, friendly and youthful colour is said to encourage confidence, extroversion and independence. The social nature of this colour also puts children and their friends at ease, inspiring communication and cooperation.


Already a trendy colour even in adult spaces, this calming, natural colour has a soothing impact on a child. Scientists have also found that green may improve a child’s reading speed and comprehension.


This classic bedroom colour is known to decrease feelings of anxiety and aggression.. Children who often feel agitated may appreciate the soothing effects of a blue room.


Often associated with royalty, purple the colour of passion, creativity, wisdom and spirituality. This hue is great for inspiring sensitivity and compassion in children.


Another classic bedroom hue, pink has a naturally calming feel. However, your child may grow out of too much pink quickly, so be considerate about how much pink you use in the bedroom.

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