From cyclones, floods, bushfires to heat, Australia has some of the harshest climates in the world. If there’s one lesson to be learned, it’s the importance of planning ahead if you live in an area prone to debilitating weather. Here are some tips for designing a home safe from damage when the weather turns.

Flood damage

The first thing to determine is what level of risk you’re at by asking the question: Is my house in a flood zone? You should be able to find this information online or through your local council. If you are in a flood-prone area, choose a suitable house design and build with flood-resistant materials, such as fibre-cement sheeting and brick, particularly on the lower level of your home. Speak to your builder for advice, including where to safely position electricals and how to optimise drainage.


Extreme heat can be tough to endure, particularly if your house isn’t built for it. Artificial cooling isn’t the only way to beat the heat. Elements such as double-glazed windows and doors, wall, ceiling and floor insulation, cool house colours, and carefully considered orientation of your home all play an important role in keeping your interior comfortable in the high summer months.


Know the wind classification of your area before making any design plans. Having your home assessed is not an area where you want to cut corners. It is imperative that an accurate assessment of the site and its features is carried out by a professional to determine the right wind classification so the correct building standards can be applied. Choose suitably durable materials and, if you’re seeking extra protection, build your home to a higher wind rating.


Start with knowing your area’s BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) rating. Each rating comes with guidelines for everything from materials to heat barriers. There are also several other measures you can take to prepare your house for a bushfire, such as upgrading to bushfire-rated windows and doors, choosing a simple roof design with no crevices where embers can get lodged, having an adequate water supply on-site, using hard surfaces, and avoiding planting tall trees near your house.

Want to book in a site visit, ask a question about our building process or talk through your project? Call SE Building Solutions today on 0415 772 983

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