Hardwood floors are a big investment, and there are so many places where the style or the finish can go completely wrong. Before you make a decision for your new build or renovation,  take a look at the trending protective finishes for wooden floors.


The Scandinavian-style floor has become associated with a wider plank and a whiter finish that still has a strong natural feel. Its matte finish is typically achieved by using an oil or oil wax. While a light-coloured floor makes a room feel larger and brighter, this generally shows dirt easily and needs to be cleaned more often.


An ebonized floor is created with a chemical reaction with a complex finish that takes a craftsman with a high level of skill. This gorgeous, glossy finish gives any room a sophisticated look, but is more challenging to maintain. These floors show every speck of dust and also shows scratches, depending on the topcoat finish.


Reclaimed or salvaged wood can be any kind of wood with any kind of finish, so long as the wood itself isn’t new. This style is highly versatile aesthetically and more durable. High foot traffic may even improve the patina.


The answer to high-gloss, almost lacquered flooring is a white or grey floor, or one that has a natural feel to the wood with a matte finish. Matte floors look “natural,” and a matte finish will show off the grain of the wood, not the finish.


This style has the look and feel of unfinished wood while still making the floor suitable for even commercial-level traffic. The natural look is more forgiving since there’s no sheen and it doesn’t show scratches much.

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