With a wide range of benchtop materials to choose from, how do you decide what works for your bathroom vanity? Let’s go through some of the most popular materials so you can pick which one suits your bathroom.

Ceramic/Porcelain Tile

Ceramic or porcelain tiles are traditional benchtop materials often seen in traditional decor, but they are also used in trendy, modern styles.Porcelain is a harder and denser material that is excellent for floors and benchtops. Porcelain can authentically mimic other materials, such as wood or even leather, giving you many design options.

Natural Stone

There are different types of stone used for vanity benchtops, including slate, soapstone, limestone, travertine, marble, onyx, and granite. A natural stone bathroom benchtop usually consists of a thick solid slab, but stone benchtops can also be created with tiles laid in.

Slate is a good hard benchtop material that resists stains once sealed. Marble is available in a wide variety of colours and patterns, but is a relatively soft, porous stone that needs to be sealed every year or two. Meanwhile, granite is the most popular natural stone for benchtops, thanks to its availability and diversity.

Solid Surface

Solid surface benchtop materials are generally formulated to resemble stone and can be shaped into a variety of shapes, including all-in-one benchtops with sink basins integrated into them. This type of material is excellent in heavy-use bathrooms, such as those used by children.


Concrete has become a very popular trend in benchtops. While costlier than most materials, they are a good choice when you want to make a special design statement, and can also serve well for heavy-use family bathrooms.


Quartz benchtops are not solid quartz but are instead an engineered stone product made from 70 to 90% ground-up quartz and other stone minerals, blended with resins and pigments. This material is considered the highest-end benchtop material and will enhance the appearance and value of most homes..

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