Aside from your own concerns as a homeowner, it’s also important to think about how renovation work may affect your neighbours. It’s worth taking a few extra steps to stay in the good graces of the people with whom you share fence lines, street parking, strata by-laws and your community.

Know your neighbour’s rights and your own

It’s almost always best to give your neighbours notice before a renovation. Ask your builder about what type of projects may require that you notify neighbours in advance.

Be sure you have the answers to these questions, which your neighbours will surely have for you: When will construction start? How long do you expect construction to last? What types of equipment will be used on the site? Will there be extra vehicles, portaloos, skips or road closures to consider? Are your plans in keeping with the character of the neighbourhood?

Keep your neighbours updated

Unless it’s a very short project, it’s likely you’ll need to update your close neighbours several times during the renovation process when things are happening that will affect them. During the first visit with them, ask how they’d like to be kept in the loop. Some may prefer you simply drop by, while others may want to be emailed, messaged or phoned.

These are some key updates you want to notify your neighbours of: the crew will need to close your street on a certain day, a large delivery is expected that may affect street parking, your project timeline has encountered a significant setback, a particularly loud or disruptive part of the work is scheduled, and sharing the expected end date.

Coordinate with your builder and their team

Ask your builder to ensure they don’t let construction equipment or skips block neighbours’ driveways or access points. Let workers know where they can park and where not to park.

Find a spot for the portaloo as far from neighbours’ properties as possible. Speak to your builder about regular clean up, especially checking for any project debris that might have landed in a neighbour’s garden.

Thank your neighbours

Once everything is spick and span, it’s time to visit your neighbours with the good news that the work is done. Thank each one in person for their patience during your renovation. While not necessary, you may want to offer a gift or even host an open house so both you and your neighbours can enjoy the completed project.

Want to book in a site visit, ask a question about our building process or talk through your project? Call SE Building Solutions today on 0415 772 983

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