Designing a child’s room can offer plenty of possibilities for fun and creativity,, but there’s more to the process than meets the eye. If you want to create a space that will help your child grow well physically, mentally and emotionally, it’s worth considering a few essentials.

Designated zones

Create zones specifically for sleep, play and work. One way to instil good sleeping habits in a child is to ensure the bed is for relaxing and sleeping. You can deter the temptation to do schoolwork in bed by providing a proper space for a desk. Establish a separate corner for play too, to avoid clutter in the restful sleep area.

Ergonomic needs

Adjustable chairs are a great investment, as they will grow with children from their toddler years through elementary school. Having a chair like this with adjustable seat levels will help a child sit well at a height that’s right for the table.

Good lighting

You can help your child retain good eyesight by providing proper lighting. This means a good amount of natural light, a warm white light for general illumination of the room after the sun goes down, and a task light for schoolwork. Some children may also need a night light, while others may be comfortable enough knowing that the light switch is within arm’s reach of the bed.

Colour therapy

You can use colour to enhance your child’s sleep, concentration and psychological comfort. Children with a lot of energy, for example, may benefit from a soothing colour in the environment. Blue promotes peace and calmness, green balance and harmony, yellow creativity and fun, and violet meditation and imagination.


Incorporate features that foster creativity and imagination. Pin boards or a chalkboard wall allow children to decorate using their favourite things, while a world map prompts them to think of travels and adventures. This allows the child to express his or her personality and creativity, and encourages taking responsibility for the room’s upkeep.

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