Splashes of colour can go a long way toward rejuvenating a neutral or white kitchen. To keep your kitchen looking elegant and stylish, you should be smart about how to add colours. Whether you’re planning a brand new kitchen or renovating an old one, take note of these tips.

Accent doors

Two-tone cabinets continue to be a big kitchen trend and a great way to add in some colour without fully committing. If you have existing doors in good condition, you can have just a few of them repainted in any hue you imagine, from a classic navy to a bold orange.


There are many wet-space-safe wallpapers available on the market. A playful wallpaper can add a dose of colour or an energising pattern to a kitchen, either as an all-over treatment or as a single accent wall.

Warm metallics

If you’re truly averse to vivid colours, you can take the more natural route. Brass, gold and other warm metallics bring a sense of warmth and colour to your space without straying from a neutral scheme. They work well with stainless steel and other cooler metals, so you can, for example, have a stainless steel sink but brass cabinet and drawer handles.

Pendant lights

Small glass pendant lights like those pictured here are a great way to add some charm without interrupting sightlines or feeling too bold. A great option is metal schoolhouse- or farmhouse-inspired lights in a subtle pastel hue.

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