Establishing a strong connection between indoors and outdoors can make your home feel more expansive and bright, and can encourage flow between indoor and outdoor rooms.

A corner window

Break away from the traditional windows pattern by incorporating a corner window. Getting rid of the corner makes you feel as if you are part of the view, and this spot is likely to become the highlight of your home. If you have a spectacular view from anywhere in your home, that’s where to put your corner window.

A private garden entrance

A small garden off the master bedroom can be a lovely place to relax in. Sliding glass doors allow you to enjoy the view while inside and let in extra light. A water feature is a serene touch and also helps mask noises from neighbours.

A bathroom-side garden

A narrow stretch of yard on the side of a house could be planted with bamboo for privacy, and opened up to the bath with a wall of glass. For more flexible privacy, consider adding sliding shoji screens.

Lose a wall

Opening up an entire side of your home with floor-to-ceiling glass doors is a high-impact change that could revolutionise your daily life.

Want to book in a site visit, ask a question about our building process or talk through your project? Call SE Building Solutions today on 0415 772 983

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