As we embrace these hotter months, creating a stunning outdoor area for your home can truly transform your lifestyle. Whether you have a spacious backyard or a cosy patio, thoughtful design can turn any space into a retreat.

Define your purpose

Before diving into the design process, consider how you want to use your outdoor space. Is it a place for entertaining guests, a tranquil escape for personal relaxation, or a combination of both? Defining your purpose will guide your design choices.


Invest in comfortable and durable outdoor furniture. From cosy seating arrangements to weather-resistant cushions, prioritise comfort to encourage extended outdoor stays.

Outdoor cooking and dining

If space allows, consider adding an outdoor kitchen or grill area. Having an alfresco dining spot can turn ordinary meals into delightful experiences. Prioritise key elements such as a robust grill, ample counter space, and storage.

Landscaping and lighting

Integrate lush greenery with potted plants, hanging gardens, or even a vertical wall of plants. This not only adds visual interest but also brings nature closer. Enhance the atmosphere with strategic lighting through fairy lights, lanterns, or pathway lighting to create a magical ambiance for evening gatherings.

Seamless design

Extend your home’s design aesthetic to the outdoors. Consider echoing interior colour schemes, incorporating similar furniture styles, or even mirroring themes. This creates a seamless transition and enhances the overall cohesion of your living spaces.

Want to book in a site visit, ask a question about our building process or talk through your project? Call SE Building Solutions today on 0415 772 983

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