As we’re halfway through spring and summer just around the corner, now is a good time to plan how you’ll be enjoying the warmer months. If you’ll be spending more time outdoors, whether by yourself or with friends and family, make sure your outdoor area has these essentials.


Strategic sun (and rain) protection is crucial to enjoying the outdoors. Whether you have a patio or deck, choose weather-proof pergola for parts of your outdoor area. This also means you can still enjoy your outdoor area even after the warmer months.


A pool is not only a great source of entertainment for the whole family, but water views add a calming, coastal vibe to any home. If your property permits it, having the pool right in the middle of your outdoor entertaining area will give you stellar views from every room as well as making it easier to keep an eye on the kids.


Food is essential to great outdoor entertaining, so a built-in BBQ will help create a seamless look in your outdoor kitchen. You’ll want an area that makes it comfortable and enjoyable to prep, cook and eat food.


Sunken living areas or conversation pits are all the rage now and your outdoor space may just be the perfect place to install one. It instantly adds a vacation vibe to your home and is simply more inviting than your standard dining table and or lounge chair setup.


To achieve a truly welcoming and relaxing outdoor area, you must not neglect your greenery. This is where you can get creative and add some character to your outdoor space. Huge palm trees, for example, will add a resort-like feel to your home.

Want to book in a site visit, ask a question about our building process or talk through your project? Call SE Building Solutions today on 0415 772 983

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